The Winning “Forensic Chromatography” Formula
Learn chromatography
Start winning blood trials
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Make hundreds of thousands if not millions in future earnings
Invest now and start on the path to earning the highest recognition in the US: The ACS-CHAL Lawyer-Scientist.

You can and will learn chromatography in less than a week, even if you never were that interested in science.
Suspend your disbelief.
The 4-day course “Forensic Analysis for Legal Professionals” will give you the knowledge and expertise you need. You will not only learn theory in the classroom, but also operate gas chromatographs (15 are available) with your own two hands. Our instructors are among the best scientists and winningest trial lawyers.
After 4-days of total immersion, hands-on learning you will feel confident representing your clients where chemical evidence is an issue. You will gain access to an exclusively curated library and admission into an active forum of trial lawyers, legal experts and scientists.
Axion is the place to go
if you want to open up a whole new aspect of your trial practice.
if you want to defend your clients with science and make sure justice prevails.
if you want to regularly win blood cases.
if you want to learn from the best lawyer-scientists and scientists.
Course Description
In this class you will not only be instructed in the classroom theory that underlies chromatography (both liquid and gas chromatography) in general and the specific theories that allow for headspace analysis and how Flame Ionization Detector, UV-DAD and Mass Spectrometry (EI and EC based) works, and get to see the instruments, but you will do the following with your own two hands and more.
Lab 1 - Your first direct injections
Instrument Familiarization where YOU will do direct injections into a Gas Chromatograph-Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) using EtOH samples, and learn to interpret GC-FID chromatograms, import and manipulate a method, change the different variables on the GC-FID and elucidate the results.
Lab 1 - Your first direct injections
Instrument Familiarization where YOU will do direct injections into a Gas Chromatograph-Flame Ionization Detector (GC-FID) using EtOH samples, and learn to interpret GC-FID chromatograms, import and manipulate a method, change the different variables on the GC-FID and elucidate the results.
Lab 2 - Column Installation
YOU on your own GC machine will remove and install capillary columns and all of the components of the injector (septa, liner, gold seal, etc.), check for efficiencies, resolution, theoretical plates, and learn about split versus splitless injector settings.
Lab 3 - Establish a calibration curve
YOU on your own GC machine will establish a calibration curve from CRMs for EtOH. YOU on your own GC machine will analyze the response and program a calibration curve (external standard) and also use the Internal Standard method to assure quality. YOU on your own GC machine will establish methods and reporting of this crucial part of testing.
Lab 4 - Headspace Demo
Using Headspace Gas Chromatograph-Flame Ionization Detector and also Using Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) system, and Using an High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) system.
Lab 5 - Sample Preparation
Sample Preparation-sampling versus sample selection will be demonstrated. YOU will do your own Pipetting. YOU will do your own control charting. YOU will use volumetric flasks. YOU will learn about pre-analysis error hands-on and how it affects quantification. YOU will be introduced to issues of metrology and Uncertainty Measurement.
Lab 6 - Manipulated data
Integration. YOU on your own ChemStation workstation will learn about integration and how easy it is to manipulate the data. YOU will manipulate your own data. YOU will learn what to look for that shows that the data was manipulated, and YOU will learn how to manipulate data so that it is not discoverable without the raw computer data in the software files.
Lab 7
GC-MS Instrumentation. YOU will see how easy life is for an analyst. YOU will get to see the analysis of the raw data on a GC-MS and discover how a true novice can turn into an “expert” with a simple push of a button. YOU will see with your own two eyes the “hidden” data that the Government and its laboratory doesn’t want you to see that will enable you to cast doubt in the supposed “gold standard” that provides for the alleged “unequivocal identification” of testing of unknowns to reveal that GC-MS is not perfect.
Lab 7 - “Hidden” data
GC-MS Instrumentation. YOU will see how easy life is for an analyst. YOU will get to see the analysis of the raw data on a GC-MS and discover how a true novice can turn into an “expert” with a simple push of a button. YOU will see with your own two eyes the “hidden” data that the Government and its laboratory doesn’t want you to see that will enable you to cast doubt in the supposed “gold standard” that provides for the alleged “unequivocal identification” of testing of unknowns to reveal that GC-MS is not perfect.
Lab 8 - Spot all of the problems with the discovery
How to Obtain Discovery/Walking Down a Case/Defenses that Win-Advanced Issue Spotting: In this lab, we will discuss best practices in how to obtain discovery with a special emphasis on how to strategically and practically build a record so that you can get the raw data in its un-manipulated raw computer form and also in its print form. We will then go through an actual case that was litigated that featured experts on both sides, and issue spot all of the problems with the discovery and the data as it was presented. You will be taught simple, easy to implement empowering defenses including how to cross-examine experts to win in court. This will incorporate everything that you have learned and make it very, very useable immediately upon your return home.
Lab 9 - Liquid Chromatography Demonstration
Liquid Chromatography Demonstration. You will be introduced and see live sampling by way of LC.
Lab 10 - Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting. YOU on your own GC machine will run an unknown sample which may result in some sort of “problem” in the chromatogram. You will issue spot the problem and rationalize what is wrong, and fix it.
Lab 11 - Actual blood sample
Live Demo: Sample prep from beginning to injection of a blood ethanol sample. You will see live and in person an actual blood sample that has been collected and prepared as if it was an unknown from the wet-lab through sample preparation until analysis producing a chromatogram.
Lab 12 - Beers and Data
Beers and Data. Do you like Beer? Well we got a fun lab for you. You will look at your data that you bring from one of your cases and in your small group you will issue spot and develop winning defenses.
Curated Library
Access to on-line course materials including slides, book chapters, industry guidelines, instrumentation manuals, trial transcripts, discovery templates, amicus briefs, principles and guidelines on questioning analysts, how to speak in plain language that jurors understand, and “Deandra’s Rules”.
Active Forum
Access to 348-member and growing “Forensic Chromatography Lawyer” Google group. 1213 conversations exist and are searchable. If you don’t find what you are looking for you can ask your specific forensic chromatography related questions.
Sign-up to watch part 2 now – Watch Dr. Polite analyze bad forensic data
Are you currently able to vigorously represent your clients in the face of an army of state ‘experts’, reams of data and opaque scientific terminology?
Invest 4 days and get the total immersion chromatography training you need.
We know it’s easy to get lost with the science of DUI cases. So here is some help.
Watch the video: Top 5 Problems In Forensic Chromatography Laboratories.
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Forensic Chromatography
Forensic Analysis for Legal Professionals
Where: Axion Labs, Chicago IL
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