Forensic Lawyer-Scientist

About ACS-CHAL Forensic Lawyer-Scientist Katherine E. McShane from Pennsylvania

Attorney Katherine McShane began her career at the 1st Judicial District Attorneys office as a Deputy District Attorney, in Denver Colorado. After working for 3 1/2 years as a DA and gaining valuable courtroom experience, she left for a more rewarding career in criminal defense. She is an attorney that believes in using forensic science as a defense tool in the courtroom.

She is a 3-time graduate of the Axion Lab Forensic Chromatography course. She has also completed the Axion Lab Forensic Drug Analysis course and Forensic Principles of DUI-D course. In addition to the Chromatography courses, she completed the Forensic DNA course in Boise, Idaho, taught by the nationally recognized DNA expert, Greg Hampikian. She has been accepted as a presenter on the topic of DNA mixture analysis at the American Chemical Society meeting in Dallas, Texas in March 2014.

She is a member of the Pennsylvania Association of Drunk Driving Defense Attorneys (PADDDA), the National College of DUI Defense (NCDD), The National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), The American Chemical Society (ACS) and the American Academy of Forensic Science (AAFS). She has successfully used science to defend those citizens among us accused.

A believes that knowledge is power. By improving her skill set and knowledge base as an attorney, she can better serve her clients. Katy is also a strong believer in the constitution and protecting the rights of those who stand accused from the strong arm of the government.

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