Forensic Lawyer-Scientist

About ACS-CHAL Forensic Lawyer-Scientist Tom Addair from Kansas

Tom Addair has been litigating criminal cases for over 20 years. Tom Addair is the sole owner and managing partner of Addair Law. He earned his law degree at the University of Kansas School of Law. He was the city prosecutor For the City of Manhattan, Kansas for five years. In 2005 he opened his law firm where he continues to practice criminal law and manage the law firm. He is a NHTSA certified instructor for standardized field sobriety testing and has handled over 7000 DUIs. He also has litigated 1000’s of drug cases over his 20 plus years career. When out of the court room, he teaches criminal litigation throughout the United States. He is the head coach for the Kansas State University mock trial team. He also is a sitting Judge and a founding member of DUIDLA.